Omega-3 & Weight Loss

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Omega-3 fatty acids may affect appetite sensations after a meal, according an article in Appetite.* During calorie restricted weight loss, volunteers who ingested more Omega-3 experienced a feeling of fullness for longer. The study included 232 overweight and obese participants averaging 31 years old and a Body Mass Index of 28.3. They were then given varying amount of Omega-3 for eight weeks. Higher doses of Omega-3 led to fewer hunger sensations immediately after meals, as well as two hours later. The study also showed, through blood analysis that higher Omega-3 concentrations were associated with higher satiety levels. The relationship between omega-3 and weight loss will need to be further investigated.

Viteyes® Omega-3 provides 1,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids in one daily softgel.

*Dolores Parra, A. Ramel, N. Bandarra, M. Kiely, J.A. Martinez, I. Thorsdottir. Appetite. “A diet rich in long chain omega 3 fatty acids modulates satiety in overweight and obese volunteers during weight loss.” Published online ahead of print 14 June 2008.

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