[spacer lines=”2″/] [one_third][title align=”center”]COST[/title][box padding_bottom=”33″]

Our products are competitively priced, saving you money on your eye and joint health.

We offer additional savings for multiple bottle purchases or by joining the autodelivery program.

Our optional autodelivery program, available by phone or online, assures that you never run out of your supplements and saves you another 10%! Through the autodelivery program, your vitamins will automatically be delivered to your home on a regular basis!
[clearfix/][/box][/one_third] [one_third][title align=”center”]CONVENIENCE[/title][box]

Ordering is available online, by phone, or by mail and shipped right to your home.

Home delivery stresses convenience and eliminates shelf confusion caused by numerous products that do not contain the correct doses, ingredients, quality, or guarantee potency.



[clearfix/][/box][/one_third] [one_third last][title align=”center”]QUALITY[/title][box]

Our products are independently tested to ensure consistent potency.

We conform to the strictest manufacturing practices for quality, including those set by U.S. regulations for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Australia’s rigorous Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). All of our products meet relevant USP (United States Pharmacopeia) guidelines and are manufactured in the USA.


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